Eurosif: Joint CDP, IIGCC and PRI open Letter on Fit for 55 trilogues

Today, four investors organisations (CDP, IIGCC, PRI and Eurosif) release an open letter on Fit for 55 trilogues.
With this letter, we call for a swiftly implementation of an ambitious fit for 55 package that will save energy, accelerate the expansion of renewables, catalyse low-carbon innovation and mobilise provide capital towards sustainable outcomes.
More precisely, we call for:
📌 Prioritising energy efficiency measures
📌 Accelerating renewable energy development
📌 Incentivising industry innovation through carbon pricing
Private finance has an essential role to play in bridging the financing gap between public funding and investment needs to meet the Fit for 55 targets. The outcomes of the Fit for 55 negotiations will define whether the EU can reconcile energy security with its net-zero commitments.
For the related documents, see